
there's not much on this site anymore, i mainly use it for subdomains and email routing.

it still has some stuff, but it's pretty casual & unprofessional, so don't expect too much.

if you're looking for my github, it's here.

right now (late nov 2023)

my recent project has been eee.evie.sh, which you can see some of the code for here.

it's a simple little project that aims to provide interactive and insightful visualizations of encoding methods/data structures

right now it's just a few tech demos and tidbits, and i've mainly been focusing on making the trees render just right (see: reingold-tilford tidy tree algorithm, which i'm using a personally modified version of) but soon there should be an article explaining huffman coding.

i want to ultimately work up to explaining gzip, but right now that's pretty far away.
a girl can dream!

hey before you go

remember to stay silly. never let anyone take that away from you